Greenstone Phase 2

Greenstone Phase 2

Greenstone Mall Phase 2Solar PVPhase 2 of the Greenstone Mall Solar PV installation expanded the existing 360kWp system to a 1MWp soof top plant incorporating a total of 19 inverters and over 3250 polycrystaline solar PV modules.  During phase 2 of the project the...
Greenstone Phase 1

Greenstone Phase 1

Greenstone Phase 1Solar PVThe first phase of the roof top solar PV installation to Greenstone Mall included a 360kWp solar PV installation installed on the roof space of the existing parkade roof structure.Anderson Consulting Engineers were responsible for the project...
Diamond Pavilion Mall

Diamond Pavilion Mall

Diamond Pavilion Solar PV A new 1MWp rooftop mounted solar PV installation was installed to the Diamond Pavilion Mall in Kimberley. The design and installation included a 1MWp solar PV installation incorporating approximately 4000 polycrystalline solar panels and 10...
Cradlestone Mall

Cradlestone Mall

Cradlestone MallSolar PVThe design and installation included a 1MWp grid-tied solar PV installation which was integrated with the mall standby generator system.  The solar PV plant was designed to reduce the Clients energy demand by approximately 1,550,000 kWh per...
Brooklyn Mall

Brooklyn Mall

Brooklyn Mall Solar PV The project included the construction of a new parking roof at the existing Brooklyn mall to accommodate a new grid-tied 1,000kWp (AC) solar PV installation. The installation included 1,104kWp of thin film solar panels and 16x 60kW grid-tied...